The Impact of Military Life on the Service Child

The Overlooked Casualties of Conflict– Update and Review Report

April 2021

The Naval Children’s Charity has commissioned the Veterans & Families Institute for Military Social Research at Anglia Ruskin University to research the challenges faced by military families in the UK


Lauren Godier-McBard,

Abigail Wood

Matt Fossey

In 2009, the Naval Children’s Charity commissioned a report into the challenges faced by armed forces families in the UK. The ‘Overlooked Casualties of Conflict Report’ was a seminal and far reaching piece of research that directly changed the lives of Service children in this country.

More than a decade later, we live in a very different landscape. The initial report was written during the height of the conflict in Afghanistan, a high profile campaign that brought with it many stressors for military children.

While UK forces’ activity has less prominence in the public eye, the reality of military life will still impact many children’s lives. Long periods of deployment, forced relocations and parental illness or injury remain constant areas of stress; while new developments such as the advent of social media and instant digital communications bring further impact.

This new report, conducted by the Veterans & Families Institute for Military Social Research at Anglia Ruskin University, assesses the changes in the research landscape, and makes suggestions for future areas of research focus.

Click below to download either the report in full, or a summary report.


Overlooked Casualties of Conflict Report 2009

In 2009 we produced a report which identified the 10 key challenges facing Naval children above and beyond those of civilian children. Following the report there was interest in Parliament with several Early Day Motions. Ofsted produced a paper on the quality and impact of partnership provision for Service Children in May 2011 and in the same year the Service Pupil Premium was introduced.